linux red hat 7.2 install hangs at the IDE detection
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Author:  belgiumrom [ Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  linux red hat 7.2 install hangs at the IDE detection

linux red hat 7.2 install hangs at the IDE detection

the specs for the machine are:
CPU - 2.6 Ghz intel
Motherboard - ASUS P4P800-E Deluxe
Videocard - MSI Geforce FX 5600 -VTDR128 VGA
IDE - primary IDE master - LG cd burner 52x
- primary IDE slave - LG dvd player
- secondary IDE master - Samsung HDD 5200rpm 20 GB
SATA - primary - Maxtor HDD - 120 GB
Memory - 512 MB DDR
tried to install in x mode on the Samsung HDD
on the SATA drive I have already win xp installed

any help very much appreciated, tks

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