Stuff For Sale
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Author:  mayhem [ Thu Sep 05, 2002 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Stuff For Sale

We have the following stock at work we need to get rid of, these are cost prices people so we wont go lower:

Description: ------------------------------- Qty: ------- Price:
ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA DVD ---------- 1 ---------- 30
COREL WORDPERFECT SUITE 8 ------------- 2 ---------- 10
WINDOWS MILLENIUM STEPUP -------------- 1 ---------- 85
IOMEGA CLICK 40MB DISKS ----------------- 1 ---------- 40
ARMADA M700 6 CELL BATTERY ------------- 1 ---------- 195
CASE EXTERNAL 5.25" USB-IDE ------------- 1 ---------- 130
CASE EXTERNAL 3.5" EPP-IDE --------------- 1 ---------- 95
CASE EXTERNAL 3.5" USB-IDE --------------- 1 ---------- 115
IBM 24X ULTRABAY CD-ROM DRIVE --------- 1 ---------- 240
THERMALTAKE SUPERORB FAN --------------- 3 ---------- 40
DDS2 120M 4-8GB DAT 10PK ---------------- 7 ---------- 125
KINGSTON USB SMART CARD READER ------ 1 ---------- 70

Email for further information.

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